Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Against my own wishes...

I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to write about today, so I'm just going to ramble. I promised myself that I would use the format and forum as an exercise in writing... to hone my skills before the bigger challenges come. I remember reading advice from writers to writers once and one thing in particular has always stood out for me. One author said that you have to treat your writing like a job and do it weather you feel like it or not. If you tell yourself that your going to write for an hour every night, sit down and do it.
I like that analogy. there are days where I don't feel like working, but I go anyway, because it's my job. Normally, I'll start slow and then get over it and pick up my pace for the day. I never knew at the time how true it could be to apply that to writing.
You see, I used to write only when I felt like it. I imagine that if some of the most successful writers only wrote when they felt like it, then some of the greatest novels we've ever read would not exist at all... or would exist in a much poorer form. Over the years, my attitude toward writing only when I felt the inspiration lead to huge gaps where I wasn't writing at all. I'll admit, that those periods of creativity were some of the best things I have put on paper, but how many more of those creative spurts would I have had, were I only writing as a hobby or job, instead of a fix.
So today, I swear to a new attitude... one that will make me more driven and more committed to my passion of words.
I commit myself to three hours per week of writing for the time being. And I commit it here on this page.
There will be no limitations in subject or length. Only in time spent. I may write for two hours if I feel moved, but never less than one.
And today's post if a perfect example of that new attitude. I didn't feel like writing anything today. I've had 'Post to Weblog" on my to-do list for a few weeks now, and I have always shirked it off for other things. And I sat down today with the same attitude that I have had for weeks. I had nothing to say...
well, I still didn't say much, but at least I did what I told myself I would do. And I'm glad I wrote today.