Thursday, June 20, 2002

Brandon Loves Good Music, or BL Good M

Brandon Loves Good Music, or BL Good M...
Part I - Brass Monkey Said Knock You Out Because You're Wanted Dead or Clumsy

In the grand scheme of Life, the Universe and everything John Cusack, Music is one of my greatest loves. To give you a better idea of what flicks my switch; let me tell you about some of my other first loves:

Movies - Good ones (The Matrix, Star Wars, Godfather trilogy, LS&TSB, Snatch), funny ones (Friday, Christmas Vacation, Big Daddy, Tommy Boy) , so pitifully bad they're funny ones (A Low Down Dirty Shame), ones you know you shouldn't like but you can't help it (SON IN LAW), ones you know you shouldn't like because you have these things called morals, but you do (Fight Club, Dogma, Chasing Amy), and then there are the movies you despise with all the will of your soul (Titanic, Pearl Harbor, Blown Away)... there's a quick run-down of how movies move me. I'll spend more time on this in my next column.
DVDs - yes, I know that we're still talking about movies, but DVDs have become a different beast in the last few years. A DVD now has only half to do with the movie and half to do with immersing yourself in the environment around the movie with director's commentaries, deleted scenes, storyboards, interviews with cast and crew, behind the scenes featurettes, and on and on. And for those of you that don't know, there's only a few other things I can compare to cracking open a new DVD case, and most are on this list. (I'll be discussing more on DVDs next week as well)
Books - My first love... from great classics that I immersed myself in (The Count of Monte Cristo, Plato's Republic) to the more modern books that I couldn't put down (Dune, Stranger In a Strange Land, Redemption by Leon Uris) and the great books of history and Biography that have molded my worldview (Truman, Nicholas and Alexandra, Founding Brothers... first two courtesy of Andrizoo) I'll spend a posting or two on books next week.
Music - You knew that already... and it's the point of what I'm writing today, so more on that now.

I don't remember when I first started loving music with the passion that I do know, but I have an idea of its roots. When I was in elementary school, my mom gave me Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet and License to Ill by the Beastie Boys.
Just looking at these two record covers brings me back, big time... These two albums are my first "That Reminds Me" records, e.g. Records that quickly and clearly remind me of a time in my life. Quick examples of my top "That Reminds Me" Albums, in addition to those above.

1.Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want, Number one, top "TRM" album that makes me think of my early relationship with my fiancée. In Particular, the title track.
2. Third Eye Blind - Third Eye Blind, this one reminds me of the fall of my sophomore year at Baylor. Not because of any monumental event, I listened to the disc about 100 times before I put anything else in my player... that may have something to do with it
3. Fishbone - Fishbone 101: Nuttasaurusmeg Fossil Fuelin, My Freshman year in College, when my explorations into music began to take flight.
4. Parliament - Tear the Roof Off 1974-1980, another early one from high school that was given to me by a friend. This set is on my personal favorite list
5. Weezer - Green Album, when I was working on a project for Harris County last summer. This CD came out and I listened to it for hours upon end at work.
6. Our Lady Peace - Clumsy, hanging out with Sarah during my senior year of College.

Ok, I'd better stop myself from this diversion before I can't. The TRM idea can also be broken out by individual songs and even parts of a song. It's divisible in any way... now back to bidness.
Over the course of my life, License to Ill and Slippery When Wet became the Anchors that set me out to sea. From that point of my life on, Music was my love.

But it became a passion and an obsession when I got my first car. For my birthday, in addition to my dad’s old Mazda truck, I got a CD player to install into the car. I did so immediately and with the giddiness of a Fly around a steaming mound of crap... hmm, maybe I could have done better there...
How about with the giddiness of Brittney Spears upon seeing her new silicone for the first time? I'll take it!
Once I had my stereo, I was free to roam and blast my music with passion! No longer could my parents ask me to turn it down or censor what I listened to. I was free to explore music.

And explore I did, with my first foray into Gangster Rap... LL Cool J's Mama Said Knock You Out (quick fact: in the spirit of "Damn, I knew I shouldn't have picked my name in the 80s", a la MC Hammer, Young MC, Queen Latifah and Del the Funkee Homosapien, I'm guessing LL may not be too happy that his name still means "Ladies Love Cool James" in 2002)
And I LOVED that CD... the Power or the title track, and... And. Well, damn, that was the only song I could even begin to listen to, but I acted like I loved Gangsta Rap.

After briefly enjoying good Gangsta music, I went retro and found some bands I still love today. I bought EVERY Zeppelin album in existence. I listened to George Clinton and balked at Dr. Dre and Snoop dog stealing old Parliament and Funkadelic riffs, (though I bought those albums too) Hell, I recognize the guy from those retro Nike commercials that feature current players in old uniforms. Give up? Bootsie Collins. Never heard of him? You should try out Bootsie's Rubber Band. it's entertaining (and funny). I discovered Fishbone, Weezer, Seven Mary Three, Barenaked Ladies, STP, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, and Bush. I loved every kind of music I could get my hands on...

But nothing has ever then or ever will move me like Rock and Alternative...

Stay Tuned For Part Two on Monday... Our Lady IncuWeezerbus makes the coolest band ever; or... the college years and beyond

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

Wordplay to get the juices flowing...

Wordplay to get the juices flowing...

First off, allow me to introduce my partner in Crime; fellow Wordsmith; best friend; compatriot; comrade (Circa. 1919-1991); all-around fantastic brother in Christ, Andy McClain.
The Harry Truman to my Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
The Bottle of Gin to my Winston Churchill.
The Yoda to my Obi Wan Kenobi or Luke Skywalker.
The Suitcase to my Toiletry bag.
The Lenny to my Carl.
The Sideshow Bob to my Bart Simpson.
And there I will stop...
Andy and I have decided to venture upon this posting journey together so as to provide more motivation that our own lazy minds can offer. It's just the motivation I needed to get writing again and I welcome the challenge of lobbing back and forth at one another. I'd really like at some point to our talents and pontification to the same site, but for now... go to for some good food.

Now for the real fun... Andy, if your reading this, I must apologize in advance for stealing some of your words, but this afternoon's e-mail volley was too good not to put out here on the site. I had the rash idea to make this the subject of my post for the day and just had to run with it.
For the rest of you, let me explain the magic behind emails between myself and TheOrangeBard (name idea #1)... emails between us hold their own sort of creativity b/c the two of us are always coming up with new names for each other and saying things in creative and/or cryptic ways. One of the best creative exercises for me is transcending above the normal e-mail writing for Anodize (name idea #2) and crafting something witty and fun. I guess it had better be explained through some actual emails... read on!
The Subject of today's Volley: A Pen Name for me...

From: Andy McClain
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 2:06 PM
To: Brandon Satrom
Subject: RE: hmmm

Oh, what license!!!! Yes, I shall for thee a name or three suggest,
If you to me do promise to throw away the respect
That you might hold for me and now tell a brother true:
What do you think of the name, for me that is, "Andrizoo?"

From: Brandon Satrom
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 2:14 PM
To: Andy McClain
Subject: RE: hmmm

Well, "Andrizoo" is a slightly name,
Full of flair for this posting game.
I think is speaks well, if it's all the same,
To add such a name to this game the same.
A time or two,
I will Rhime for you.
And say that only this will do
As a name for not me but you...
Now if you'd so kindly, or if you please,
With my brain acting blindly, or mashed as cottage cheese,
I'd like a name that fits a chap divinely...
Or at least something to put a mind at ease.

Volley 2
From: Andy McClain
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 2:31 PM
To: Brandon Satrom
Subject: RE: hmmm

Now, as before, at your kind behest
I gladly seek to fill the request
And find a name "Oh so fitting!"
That men and boys, though they be sh*t**ng,
Would cease all movements of that flow
When on the bathroom's overhead radio
They hear that you have a new book published.
So they quickly finish their duty and RUSH
To Barnes and Noble to buy that new tome
Written by a treasure whose name ain't SatrOm.
Oh no! This man sleeps in a completely new tent.
With a sign o'er the door that reads: Here resides MagniLoquent!"

Volley 3
From: Andy McClain
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 2:51 PM
To: Andrizzo
From: MangiLoquent

A mantle of joy, light and Jest!
I gladly accept, put that name on my Crest,
Or affix it at once to my Vest.
It is now mine for all time,
Not for a nickel or a dime, one year or nine,
But for the mystery and duration of my Rime.
As my muse and friend, a great help have you sent,
And have blessed me with not a single name to rent.
Thanks to you, I shall assume the role of MagniLoquent.

I expect that this will continue for the rest of the afternoon, but I'll stop here for now and leave the score tied in the spirit of brotherhood and creativity.
Andy, Welcome to the Ether... I look forward to the creativity that ensues.
- MagniLoquent